Day 22: Tips That Are Guaranteed To Save You Money!


                              “You cannot bring about prosperity

                                         by discouraging thrift.

                                 You cannot establish sound security

                                       on borrowed money.

                                 You cannot keep out of trouble

                           by spending more than you earn.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

Love that quote! So sad, second to last day of our 23 Day Frugal Living Challenge. I know many of you want to keep the facebook group going and that is totally fine with me. I may change the name but there are now so many resources on it for us to keep and share and pin and print out and HOPEFULLY do!

I thought I would compile a list of money saving tips that I have gotten from various blogs and from YOU, the readers!

1. DIY – because that is what we are all striving for. Do what you can for yourself and your family. Many things can be handmade, homemade or created by you. If not find a friend that has a hobby that you don’t and barter. Win,win for all!

2. Don’t Shop – stay home as much as possible, you will enjoy your life better and keep money in your pocket. If you can’t go out, you can’t really spend or I should say impulse spend. If you still are addicted to shopping stay off Amazon – 🙂

3. LIST – Keep a list going of things you are about to run out of on the refrigerator – this way when you do go to the store, you can get it instead of waiting until the last minute and hopefully you will have a coupon for it. While we are on that subject, if you don’t already – train the whole family to write on the list anything that is finished and in need like using the last of the toothpaste or the last of the mayo.

4. The 30 Day List – remember that one? Did any of you put something on it this month? Do you still NEED or WANT it?

5. Buy Used whenever possible or if you must buy new, appliances or computers, definitely put it on the 30 Day List and shop around until you have the absolute best price you can get. Sometimes waiting just a few weeks results in a super deal.

6. Put the debit card and credit cards away! Use cash or if you must – get a reloadable card and put small amounts on them. When you are done, you are done. You will be less likely to spend $100 when all you have is $50 in cash.

7. Stay Healthy! This will definitely save you the big bucks in the long run. Eat good, healthy, local, organic if possible, exercise and lead a stress free life. OK so no one is going to be completely stress-free but realistically you can alleviate some of the stress in your life and enjoy it more.

8. Eat those leftovers! Many of you have posted that one.

9. Barter and Share 

10. Visit flylady for some helpful time saving household tips – saving time saves you money!

11. Have a budget and try your best to stick to it. Slip ups are normal, no one is perfect.

12. Clean out the closets! Clean, give away and sell – make some cash!

13. Make Gifts – and that kind of fits in with #1 but making gifts is more personal and saves bucks. Have a party or a class and make gifts together – way more fun! I actually have a class here once a year before Christmas and I get all the supplies to make Herbal Gifts. Last year was incredibly fun.

14. Rent instead of buying. I have done this for textbooks and for electronic. I don’t always need a camcorder but when I do, I go rent one for about $15 for the week.

15. Cook from Scratch

16. Take care of all of your possessions. Maintain cars, house filters, ac units, fences etc… The more you take care of stuff, the longer it lasts. The longer it lasts, the less you have to replace.

17. Save on utilities. We talked a bit about this one. Did anyone lower one of their bills this month? I was more observant with lights, ac, stove, dryer usage. We will see when the bill comes in!!!

18. Read from the library or online instead of buying books or magazines. Oh I forgot to tell you, the other day I had an impulse buy and bought a magazine for $5.99 – yikes!!!!

19. Stay Home – Using the car less means using less gas. If you absolutely need something from the store ask someone else to bring it to you on the way home or do without until you go out the next day.

20. Go for a walk. Now why would that save you money? Well because sometimes I get my best ideas when I go for a walk and I may create a new herbal product or bread recipe or think about some other way to make or save money.

21. Find a buddy to be frugal with. Or better yet, find a bunch of buddies!! 😉 With frugal friends you will never find yourself ordering a Starbuck’s coffee, go shopping at the mall AND eat lunch at PF Changs. (Shuddering)

22. Find a better bank – one that actually pays interest on your money. If not then invest in something with a better return.

23. Join Walmart’s Saving Catcher – I am not a fan of Walmart either but this is a good one according to one of the readers. If you join and purchase something from Walmart then find a less expensive price, you scan the receipt and the ad for the other store and they put money in your account for later. Sounds wonderful, especially for sale shoppers!!

So there you go, 23 savings tips for our 23 Day Challenge!

Don’t forget if you are on our facebook group you must comment in the thread from yesterday about converting your husband. It can be any comment even one word just so you are entered in the drawing for the prize box at the end of the week. Sorry no new folks please, just the 87 that are on the challenge page. 🙂

Now it is Your Turn – What is your favorite money saving tip, even if you have said it before AND which tip would you like to implement now?

Have a fabulous day people!




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