
Our family:

Myself – Anne-Marie, husband John and wonderful son, Jonathan!

John works full time at an exhibit company. Jonathan is full time in college. I work from home on the farm taking care of critters, growing herbs and mushrooms, baking bread for the farmer’s market and making herbal products. As of 2017, I have my certificate in Herbal Medicine from a year(2014) long hands on course from Patricia Howell in North Georgia and a certificate and permit for Wild Mushroom Identification that allows me to forage and sell them.

About once a month I teach a workshop on herbal medicine, mushrooms, bread making, foraging and more. I LOVE teaching! It is so amazing when you can teach someone a new life skill and see how excited they are when they do it themselves! My goal is to have an herbalist in every household as it was in the good old pioneer days.

I garden and forage for wild foods – wild flowers, nettles, blackberries, muscadines, chickweed, dandelions and mushrooms. Actually you never know what I might find!!!
We have chickens, horses, occasional cows, dog and cats. Well, had cows…one went with a friend and one went in our freezers. More cows to come or maybe some pigs! You never know with me! 🙂


Homesteading and sustainable living are a lifetime commitment that we strive to do better with as each year passes. I feel very blessed that God has given us this life and while it will not get me rich, it is rewarding to do what I do!

Disclosure statement: While I may recommend certain herbs and foods for any illnesses, allergies, skin conditions, natural beauty care and household cleaning, as a reader and a consumer use what I say to research further on your end. I am not a doctor but I am an herbalist not a licensed practitioner but  always learning to improve our lives and to relay what I  have learned on to you!

Sometimes this site includes affiliate links from trusted companies that I personally deal with and approve. By clicking on the links provided in my posts, I do receive a small commission with each purchase at no cost to you. It helps pay for my time spent writing, exploring new products and to bring you the best content that I can. I hope to provide giveaways that are provided from our affiliates soon.

Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. Whether you use the link or buy the product is entirely up to you.

Thank you as always for reading my blog and please, please share our latest blog post with your friends on social media.


19 thoughts on “About

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  1. Hi Ann Marie,
    This is Mary Hill. Are we still on for Friday the 10 th between 11-1? Do you mind if I bring my neighbor/ friend, and of course Meri Lee as well.
    Please let me know, I seem to have no other email address for you.
    Hope all is well.



  2. Hi Anne-Marie,
    I’m glad that i stumbled upon your blog because i really love everything about homesteading. I have just recently embarked on my journey to achieve something similar. It will be difficult because i’m from New York City. Still, i’m very happy to have found you. I’m sure i’ll be visiting very often and evetually trying out some of your recipies as well!

    Have a blessed day!


    1. Thank you Mari! You can do, even in NYC just smaller spaces for things. Maybe you can even build a community garden for veggies or herbals on your building rooftop or an empty lot/ Good Luck and check back in with what you are up to. 🙂


  3. HI I”m so happy to have found this blog and fellow homesteaders. Sadly I see you are not near me. I so long to have a group of ladies that I could get together with and have “herb swaps” and etc. How does one go about starting a “national homesteaders” group? I’m in Steuben County, NY. Does anyone know of groups that way?


  4. saw you in Monroe at the Farmers Market on Saturday. Would love to have you at the Cotton Gin Festival in Bostwick on November 1. Please send me your address and I’ll mail you an application. Thank you!


  5. I bought your Jewelweed salve today, I put it on the first bug bite I got in my yard when I got back home and immediately the itch stopped. Previously i have used anti itch cream, alcohol, apple cider vinegar, etc and nothing immediately stopped the itch. this jewel weed salve is fantastic. My one concern is will it hurt my dog because she will lick any cream or lotion I put on my legs..The ingredients look ok, but want to check to be sure.


    1. Hi Marianne,
      Jewelweed is not for internal use so I would try and keep the doggie away from it. She probably won’t like the tea tree essential oil smell so maybe she won’t try and lick it. 🙂


  6. Hello,

    I am Jordan Butler and I am a writer for the ODYSSEY Online. I am currently writing a story about the Indie South Fair, and I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me. I have attached the questions below. If possible, please try to have your response in by this Friday, but the sooner the better. Thank you!

    Describe your business (What kind of products do you sell? Who are your target customers? How long have you been in business? Where is your business based?)

    How long have you been attending the Indie South Fair? Have you sold anywhere else, and if so where? How does this venue compare to others?

    What is your favorite part of this fair? Is there anything about the fair that could be improved?

    Take me through a typical day at the market. Is set-up easy? Do you get any help from other vendors or helpers? Is break-down easy? Parking?

    Do you have any interesting stories about the fair that you would like to share?

    Anything else you would like to add?

    Please include your name, title, business and whether or not you have any business partners.
    If you have any questions/concerns please email me at jabutler@odysseynewsmagazine.net

    Thank you so much for your time,


  7. Good morning from Colorado! I just found you when I did a search for how to harvest feverfew. How do I sign up for your blog? And are you on FB? I did a search, but did not find you. I can’t WAIT to read your website!!!!


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