More Bartering Updates!

Have I said I love bartering? Yep!!!! Ok so here are the goods for the last Ladies homestead Swap and Market Swaps –
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Tons of okra!!!! A butternut squash, cayenne peppers, green tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, pineapple sage(drying) and arugula seeds, all for breads 😀



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This was truly the BEST score! TONS of lip balm tubes, tiny salve containers and cool spray bottles – traded for breads. I am so excited!!!

Did not get a picture of my market trade but I got a bunch of tomatoes and zucchini for cinnamon bread and she gave me two bouquets of fresh flowers! Definitely a perk at the end of the evening when you are packing up everything.

Anyone out there have a good trade for the week?


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